Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The return of a U.S. Army sergeant who defected to N. Korea

Here is a story about a U.S. Army sergeant who defected to North Korea over 40 years ago. While leading a patrol along the DMZ, Charles Jenkins fled to North Korea because he said he was scared he would be sent to Vietnam. He recently returned to the U.S. for the first time since his defection to visit family and friends. Some welcomed him back, others called him a traitor who betrayed our country. Someone even stated that he deserves to be shot for leaving his post. I don't know what happend to those under his command but it would interesting to see how they view him now. I wouldn't go so far as saying he should be shot, but I definatley don't think too highly of him. Read the article for more details on what happend to him in North Korea.

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